Facility Listings

We are providing you with the most current dialysis and transplant facility listings within Network 13. The facility names, provider numbers and locations are available to you. We have also created a printer friendly version of the Network 13’s facility list so that you can have an up-to-date list available to you throughout the year. We update these lists periodically for your convenience. Medicare also provides information on Medicare-approved dialysis facilities under Dialysis Facility Compare http://www.medicare.gov/Dialysis/Home.asp.

Announcing the redesigned CMS web page dedicated to providing all the latest NPI news for health care providers! Visit http://www.cms.hhs.gov/NationalProvIdentStand/ on the web. This page also contains a section for Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) providers with helpful information on the Medicare NPI implementation. A new fact sheet with answers to questions that health care providers may have regarding the NPI is now available on the web page; bookmark their page as new information and resources will continue to be posted. POSTED 1/13/2006
If your facility is located in the area impacted by Katrina, a message to the Network office would be appreciated to keep us updated on your status and needs or ways we can be of assistance or get you to another resource.

Network 13 Facilities Status
Services / Days of Operation/ Status

eSOURCE Web site

CMS – Dialysis Facility Compare

Network 13 Dialysis Facilities
in pdf, in excel, in wordTransplant Facilities (in excel)LAST UPDATED 11/23/2005
Arkansas Facilities
LAST UPDATED 11/23/2005
Louisiana Facilities
LAST UPDATED 11/23/2005
Oklahoma Facilities
LAST UPDATED 11/23/2005
ESRD Network Directory List
Dialysis Facility Compare
(Links to http://www.medicare.gov/Dialysis/Home.asp)