Facility Information Handbook Section 6

A. Universal Precautions (Contact Network 13 for a copy)

B. CDC: Recommendations for Preventing Transmission of Infections Among Chronic Hemodialysis Patients

C. CDC Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in Healthcare Settings

D. 12 Steps to Prevent Antimicrobial resistance Among Dialysis Patients

E. National Surveillance of Dialysis-Associated Diseases in the US, 2000: (No Link please contact Network for a copy)

F. Guidelines for Prevention of Intravascular Device-Related Infections 2001 Avoiding Resistant Infection in Dialysis Patients

G. CDC Investigation of Anthrax Associated with International Exposure and Interim Public Health Guidelines, October 2001 (MMWR) http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5110a1.htm

H. Hepatitis A, B, C: Learn the Difference (Immunization Action Coalition);
CDC Hepatitis C Fact Sheet http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr//preview/mmwrhtml/mm5041a1.htm

I. CDC Control Measures for Hepatitis B in Dialysis Centers

J. MRSA-Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Fact Sheet (CDC)

K. Recommendations for Preventing the Spread of Vancomycin Resistance (MMWR)

L. CDC Tuberculosis Information-Infection Control

M. Immunization Packet 2004 (UPDATED)

N. Network 13 HIV Policy (Human Immunodeficiency Virus – HIV / AIDS)
s Understanding the Rights of HIV/AIDS Patients Hand Hygiene Guidelines – CDC

O. CDC Prevention Antimicrobial Fact Sheet

P. AAMI Water Chart (No Link please contact Network for a copy)

Q. The Do’s and Don’t of Water Treatment (ASN 2000 Presentation) (No Link please contact Network for a copy)