Louisiana Dialysis Units Disaster Preparedness (HURRICANES) September 23, 2002
While we do not wish to alarm anyone, the State of Louisiana Department of Public Safety has notified us that the possibility exists for a hurricane to impact on the state of Louisiana this week. We recognize that any projection is just that, ‘a projection’, but we are requesting that all dialysis care providers visit their disaster plans and implement precautions accordingly.
We know that this possibility could affect the entire state of Louisiana, not just the immediate southern half, so we ask that the northern Louisiana dialysis units be prepared to help your fellow dialysis facilities in the south. Also please recognize that if your back-up facility is in your immediate area, it MAY OR MAY NOT be available to assist with your needs.
The Network is able to provide facilities with facility-specific patient rosters and phone numbers for emergency purposes as necessary and requested. Be aware that the Network data is only as current as provided by facilities. We are also able to provide listings of dialysis facilities within the region upon request.
Again, we don’t wish to alarm anyone, but everyone must be prepared to act sooner rather than later for the folks who are dependent upon life-saving health care services and their families. In the event, a disaster resource is needed, please reference the Network 13 Disaster Planning Resource in your facility information packet.
Linda Duval, RN, CCRN (extension 3016 or lduval@nw13.esrd.net )
Director, Quality Improvement
Disaster Resourse Manual (pdf)
FEMA Fact Sheet: Hurricanes